In “Flying Amy,” eleven-year-old Amy Fletcher's ordinary life takes an extraordinary turn when she discovers a patch of mysterious iridescent flowers in her backyard. After inhaling their rainbow-colored mist, Amy gains the incredible ability to fly, launching her into an adventure that challenges her timid nature and opens doors to a hidden world above the clouds.
Alongside her tech-savvy best friend Marcus and under the guidance of her botanist mother Sarah, Amy begins to explore her newfound powers while keeping them secret from the world. As she soars higher and ventures further from home, Amy discovers a magnificent realm of floating islands inhabited by a secret community of flyers. Under the mentorship of Luna, an experienced flyer, she learns to master her gift and uncovers its deeper purpose.
However, her wondrous discoveries are threatened by a corporation seeking to exploit the magical flowers, putting both the natural world and the flying community at risk. Amy must find the courage to protect this extraordinary legacy while navigating the challenges of growing up and staying true to herself.
The story weaves together themes of environmental conservation, friendship, and self-discovery, all while taking readers on a breathtaking aerial adventure through storm fronts, sunset glides, and ancient sky-bound ruins. This middle-grade fantasy combines magical realism with real-world environmental awareness, creating an enchanting tale that will captivate young readers who dream of soaring beyond the ordinary.