V.E. Schwab

The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue

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  • Bibinur Mshared an impression4 years ago
    👍Worth reading
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    🌴Beach Bag Book

    You’ll be surprised.

    • An immortal girl, whom no one remembers.
    • Interesting concept
    • Love for NYC, secret paths, secret spots and so much more.
    • Great writing and story lines 🥰
    • Inspires love for art, books and love
    • Easy read
    • Learn to appreciate every moment, every encounter and every gesture.

    * 7 freckles for 7 lives and 7 lovers

    Toby, James, Sam, Remy, Matteo, Henry, Luc

  • Liloshared an impression2 months ago
    💞Loved Up

    This book was so beautifully written and the plot twist got me screaming and violently throwing up👏🏽.

    ⭐⭐⭐⭐.7 stars, just because some of Addie's POV chapters dragged on and on without really being significant to the plot.

    Otherwise, it was an amazing story.

  • Lyrashared an impression3 years ago
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    💡Learnt A Lot
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    Such an amazing experience of a book, there is something so beautiful about the story, the writing style, the words used in every sentence, and the depth in which they aim to have. I cannot describe with words how I feel about this novel, but I can say that the story of Addie LaRue will be remembered by many.

  • Jovana Antićshared an impression3 years ago
    🌴Beach Bag Book

    Déjà vu. Déjà su. Déjà vecu.
    Pre svega čitljiva i lepo zamišljena priča ali nažalost nedovoljno razrađena. Uz nekoliko važnih događaja, radnja se odvija sporo i ravno. Nisam se povezala sa Addie jer se više bazira na to kako bi mogla da živi, umesto da zapravo živi! Najviše mi je zasmetalo što nije napravila nikakav napredak u sazrevanju, s obzirom da živi već 300 godina. Često se ponavljaju rečenice u nadi da će me (valjda) ubediti koliko joj je teško što je zaboravljena.
    U nekim momentima sam htela da odustanem i prekinem sa čitanjem ali izgurala sam do kraja sve u nadi da će se nešto bitno desiti, a nije. Na prvi pregled, zvučalo mi je kao modernizovana bajka i pored toga mi se dopao Henrijev deo života. Ipak, na kraju mi je ostao onaj "meh" osećaj. Mislim da mi priča neće ostati dugo u glavi, blagi plot twist i kraj otvoren za nagađanja. Just not my cup of tea.
    Fun fact: autorka je radila na knjizi 10 godina!
    p.s. radnja podseća na film the age of adaline i eto preporuke ako ne znate šta da gledate, a što se knjige tiče ↓
    ocena: ★★★☆☆

  • ramsha rashidshared an impression2 months ago
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  • Mariashared an impression2 months ago
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  • tamvyrainsshared an impression7 months ago
    👍Worth reading
    🙈Lost On Me
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  • Daria Furmanshared an impression8 months ago
    👍Worth reading

  • Robo Raptorshared an impression10 months ago
    👍Worth reading
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  • Idelia Ayzyatulovashared an impression10 months ago
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