This marvelous universe we live in is full of mysteries. Some are widely discussed and speculated about, while others are a bit more obscure. Most everyone has heard of Stonehenge, but what about the 'Super Henge'? We've all heard stories about crop circles, but have you heard of Las Bolas? The Antikythera Mechanism? The Julia Sound? And is there really a monster living in the depths of Loch Ness?
Mysteries expand our minds and encourage us to think outside the realm of the ordinary.
Within these pages, you'll find tales of bizarre discoveries and impossible questions that have puzzled both experts and amateurs alike for years. As you contemplate these enigmas, my wish is that you will be both entertained and intrigued, and that you will begin to think about the world around you with a sense of wonder. I hope your imagination is engaged and your curiosity is thoroughly piqued by A Myriad of Mysteries.