Weather and climate is a resource and considered as basic input or resources in agricultural planning, every plant process related with growth development and yield of a crop is affected by weather. Soil formation process depend on climatic factors like temperature, precipitation, humidity, wind etc. Thus climate is a major factor in soil formation and development. Agricultural meteorology aims to put the science of meteorology to the service of agriculture in all its various forms and facets, to improve the sensible use of land, to help to produce the maximum food for humanity and to avoid the irreversible abuse of land resources. Livestock production is a part of agriculture. The set of favourable and unfavourable weather conditions for growth, development and production of livestock is livestock is studied in Agricultural Meteorology. This book is intended to provide basic understanding about the agricultural meteorology for to the students and scientists carrying research in this field. The book has been explicitly designed to expose the students to all important concepts and definitions in Agrometeorology.