In daylight I belong to the world … in the night to sleep and eternity. But in the dusk I'm free from both and belong only to myself … and you.
Olga Nerushevahas quoted6 years ago
"Thank heaven, we've had a fire in it today," she thought, "and all I hope is That Cat hasn't haired up the sofa. If Sarah Pringle got cat hairs on her dress in our parlor … "
ft.lenehas quoted3 days ago
They fairly fell over one another trying to be nice to Anne.
ft.lenehas quoted3 days ago
The Shirley-Pringle feud was over. Nobody outside of the Pringles ever knew why, but Summerside people understood that Miss Shirley, single-handed, had, in some mysterious way, routed the whole clan, who ate out of her hand from then on.
ft.lenehas quoted3 days ago
"We … we have misunderstood you, my dear. And we've … we've been abominable to you. Will you forgive us?"
ft.lenehas quoted3 days ago
I feel sure that under the hatred they really loved each other … just as I really loved you all those years I thought I hated you
ft.lenehas quoted3 days ago
Twenty years later Sophy Sinclair was to be one of the leading actresses in America. But probably no plaudits ever sounded so sweet in her ears as the wild applause amid which the curtain fell that night in Summerside town hall.
ft.lenehas quoted4 days ago
Letter from Anne Shirley, B.A., Principal of Summerside High School, to Gilbert Blythe, medical student at Redmond College, Kingsport.
b6240656169has quoted2 years ago
"And when the week is ended you will be home … and I won't want anything else."
b6240656169has quoted2 years ago
He had such a delightful voice … you loved him for his voice.