A curation of essays penned by Jeremy Bernstein, this book is a treasure trove of personal stories ranging from Bernstein's expedition to Mount Everest, cherished encounters with the fathers of Quantum Mechanics (Werner Heisenberg, Paul Dirac and Erwin Schrodinger), to a jovial collaboration with Freeman Dyson on the Orion spaceship project.This essay collection is a door into several pieces of scientific explorations as well as the celebrated life of Jeremy Bernstein, a physicist, professor and phenomenal writer. Readers will enjoy this book as both an autobiography and a popular science reading.Contents: Reflections on the Project OrionThe WhispererGenia and RudiThe Mercator ProjectionA Trick of Memory — 239 Central Park WestLise Meitner: The Discovery of Nuclear FissionThe Merely GoodWien Wien nur du AlleinThe Kinder TransportW H Auden et al.EntanglementFeynmanLeonhard Euler and the Atomic BombMurder in the AcademyA LifeProustA TravestyFact and FictionMaxThe Life it BroughtReadership: Scientists, science historians, philosophers, and laypersons interested in science and its stories.Science Essays;Biography;Project Orion;Freeman Dyson;Rudolph Peierls;Eugenia Nikolaievna Kannegiesser;Lise Meitner;Shreeram Shankar Abhyankar;Philipp Frank;Wolfgang Rindler;Wystan Hugh Auden;Reinhold Niebuhr;Ursula Niebuhr;Robert Oppenheimer;Jeremy Bernstein;Richard Feynman;Tractatus;Wittgenstein;Marcel Proust;Max Jammer;Werner Heisenberg;Paul Dirac;Erwin Schrodinger00