Yet the EEG, first used in the 1920s on humans, is our equivalent of the snorkel and mask. These scalp electrodes are attempting to record brain activity through skin, fat, the skull, and cerebrospinal fluid. The strength of these signals is tiny compared to that put out by the simple act of blinking, the triggering of small muscles in the face and head. Furthermore, the deflections in those squiggly lines — originally plotted by pen on paper, nowadays on a computer screen — do not result from the electrical changes in a single neurone. Rather, it requires the accumulation of impulses synchronised between thousands or millions of neurones, more than 6 or 7 square centimetres of cerebral cortex — the thin layer of cells lining the surface of the brain — all orientated in the same axis. So the detail the EEG gives us is incredibly limited. Only large changes in huge numbers of neurones, all pointing in a similar direction, on or near the surface of the brain, are detectable