know why you are feeling depressed does not mean that you are not depressed
Aigerhas quoted5 years ago
Just because you don’t
Aigerhas quoted5 years ago
Depression is not a form of mental weakness. It should be regarded in the same way as any other symptom, such as pain. Depression may cause other problems, such as insomnia or chronic physical complaints.
Aigerhas quoted5 years ago
In some people, depression can manifest in physical symptoms such as chronic headaches, abdominal pains or various painful conditions, often causing a vicious circle to develop.
Aigerhas quoted5 years ago
enjoyment of life for two weeks or more
Aigerhas quoted5 years ago
Two key features of depression are: Feeling continuously unhappy for two weeks or more Having lost interest and en
Aigerhas quoted5 years ago
ave you found yourself comfort-eating and putting weight on?
Have you lost your sex drive or had problems with your sex life?
Do you have a bleak view of your future?
Have you thought of self-harming?
Have you ever thought about committing suicide?
Aigerhas quoted5 years ago
Do you feel guilty about something?
Do you have difficulty with your sleep?
Do you get irritable or angry?
Do you cry for no reason?
Do you feel excessively tired, so that some days you cannot achieve anything?
Have you lost your appetite and started to lose weight?
Aigerhas quoted5 years ago
Do you ever feel that you are a failure, or think that you are useless or of no value?