Two thousand years in the future, on a planet one light year away from Earth, in a small town called Nutraville, Edoctor Everett Energy is a beloved teacher and founder of the School for a Healthy Lifestyle. On one fateful day, Edoctor Energy goes missing! His students believe he has been taken by his arch nemeses, Sam Subzero and Superintendenrt Sally Stroke, from the School of Too Little/Too Much.
Together Edoctor Energy’s students must find healthy foods in order to save their teacher from the clutches of the toxic Sam Subzero.
About the Author
Ronald Feinstein M.D., F.A.A.P. is a retired pediatrician with more than fifty years of experience in academic medicine. His service and research interests focused on children and adolescents with a special emphasis on those with nutrition-related issues. Feinstein worked closely with interdisciplinary teams which included nutritionists, psychologists, social workers, and nurses who specialized in caring for older children and adolescents who either weighed too much or too little. Additional time was spent caring for athletes and focused on maximizing performance, musculoskeletal issues, and sports safety including proper dietary practices. He has received research funding from federal agencies including the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the Maternal and Child Health Bureau (MCHB) and has published in multiple peer reviewed journals.