“Forest Build Gains” presents a groundbreaking exploration of timber construction's dual role in combating climate change and enhancing economic efficiency in modern architecture. Through rigorous analysis and real-world case studies, the book reveals how wooden buildings can store up to 50% more carbon than their concrete counterparts, while potentially reducing global construction-related carbon emissions by 31% by 2050.
The book progresses systematically through four main sections, beginning with the scientific foundations of wood's environmental benefits and carbon storage capacity. It then delves into operational energy efficiency across different climate zones, followed by detailed economic analyses of construction projects, and concludes with practical implementation strategies.
The evolution of timber construction is thoroughly examined, from traditional methods to cutting-edge technologies like cross-laminated timber (CLT) and mass timber systems, providing readers with a comprehensive understanding of both historical context and modern applications. What sets this work apart is its data-driven approach to sustainable architecture, offering specific metrics rather than general claims.
The book addresses crucial concerns about wooden buildings' durability and fire resistance while providing evidence-based solutions for sustainable forest management. Written for professionals in architecture, urban planning, and environmental policy, it serves as both a practical guide and an authoritative reference, balancing technical expertise with accessibility to inform the future of sustainable construction.