“The Rocket Boy” soars into the heart of childhood dreams with its captivating tale of twelve-year-old Tom Fletcher, whose passion for space exploration transforms his suburban backyard into an ambitious launch site.
When Tom discovers his late father's engineering notebook tucked away in the attic, it ignites a summer-long quest to build a functional rocket from scratch. Alongside his clever Border Collie, Bertie, and under the watchful eye of his supportive aunt Sarah, Tom embarks on a journey that bridges the gap between impossible dreams and determined reality.
As Tom scavenges for parts and puzzles over cryptic diagrams, he finds an unexpected ally in Marina Chen, a retired NASA engineer who sees in him a reflection of her own past aspirations. Together, they navigate the challenges of bringing Tom's vision to life, despite skeptical authorities and neighborhood doubters.
Through backyard science experiments, late-night stargazing sessions, and the careful application of engineering principles, Tom's project becomes more than just a tribute to his father's legacy — it evolves into a testament to the power of unwavering belief in oneself.