In the subterranean metropolis of Cimmeria, memories are currency, woven into the Mind-Web, a neural network binding its citizens. Lior Vash, a seasoned memory trader haunted by a fragmented past, navigates this precarious world where the self is a commodity. When a crucial fragment of the Mind-Web is stolen, plunging the city into amnesiac chaos, the Guardians of Remembrance turn to Lior. He alone possesses the knowledge to retrieve it, a quest leading him to the mesmerizing Glass Nexus.
Run by the enigmatic Dr. Erin Lewis, the Nexus promises solace to those plagued by memory loss, offering a tantalizing glimpse into a future free from the pain of the past. But beneath its seductive veneer lies a darker truth: Dr. Lewis seeks to control the Mind-Web, reshaping memories to create a homogenous mind. Lior’s pursuit of the stolen fragment becomes a descent into his own erased past, a forgotten love, and a ruthless mentor’s betrayal. He discovers the fragment holds the key to not only his lost identity but also Cimmeria's fate.
Within the Nexus, Lior forges uneasy alliances with Kerry Campbell, a cynical information broker, and Kristin Anderson, a brilliant neuroscientist fighting to preserve individual identity. Together, they form a fragile resistance against Dr. Lewis, their own memories hanging in the balance. As Lior delves deeper, he uncovers the legacy of Anya Sharma, a gifted artist and the Mind-Web's creator, whose fragmented memories are woven into the stolen fragment itself. He must choose between reclaiming his past and safeguarding Cimmeria's collective consciousness, a decision echoing in the crystalline heart of the Nexus, where the battle for the mind will determine the fate of them all. In this thrilling mind-bending novel, Victor Mendoza explores the delicate balance between memory and identity, the power of the past, and the enduring struggle for individual consciousness in a world on the brink of oblivion.