His skin crawled again at the memory of her words. “Too bad you’re my son. You would have made a magnificent consort.”
Solaahas quoted6 days ago
His skin crawled again at the memory of her words. “Too bad you’re my son. You would have made a magnificent consort.”
Solaahas quoted6 days ago
His skin crawled again at the memory of her words. “Too bad you’re my son. You would have made a magnificent consort.”
Solaahas quoted6 days ago
His skin crawled again at the memory of her words. “Too bad you’re my son. You would have made a magnificent consort.”
Solaahas quoted6 days ago
“Woman of day,” he said slowly. “You mean everything to me.”
Solaahas quoted6 days ago
“Woman of day,” he said slowly. “You mean everything to me.”
Solaahas quoted6 days ago
“Woman of day,” he said slowly. “You mean everything to me.”
Solaahas quoted6 days ago
His mouth had been split multiple times, and the high bridge of his nose was crooked and swelled to twice its width. His right eye had swollen shut, and where his left eye should have been; only a sunken eyelid over an empty socket remained.
Gullayyyhas quoted2 months ago
That’s us, you know,” she said.
“What is us?”
“The scarpatine and the potato. Better together than alone. At least I think so.”