In “Ozoplaning with the Wizard of Oz,” Ruth Plumly Thompson continues L. Frank Baum's enchanting saga of the Land of Oz, presenting a whimsical adventure that deftly interweaves elements of fantasy and humor. The narrative unfolds as Peter and his friends embark on a fantastical journey utilizing a unique flying machine, showcasing Thompson's flair for imaginative storytelling and her ability to create eccentric characters and vibrant locales. The prose is characterized by lighthearted wit and lyrical descriptions, serving as both a continuation and a fresh perspective on the beloved Oz series, emphasizing themes of friendship and adventure. Ruth Plumly Thompson, an accomplished author and illustrator, succeeded Baum as the caretaker of the Oz legacy, contributing significantly to its rich tapestry. Born in 1891, Thompson's background in the arts and literature deeply informed her creative process. Her firsthand experiences, including travel and engagement with audiences, fostered an understanding of the fantastical that resonates through her works, allowing her to maintain the spirit of Oz while injecting her own unique voice. “Ozoplaning with the Wizard of Oz” is a splendid introduction for readers both old and new to the world of Oz. Thompson's adept storytelling invites readers to rediscover the joy and magic of this cherished universe, making it a must-read for fans of fantasy literature and lovers of whimsical adventures alike.