Few writers know sex like Steven and Iris Finz. For more than a decade they have interviewed men and women across America, asking them to reveal their most intimate fantasies and their most sensual experiences to share with their readers. They've talked to regular housewives and hard-working husbands, confirmed bachelors, computer techies, nurses, ski instructors-people from all walks of life-to find out how they keep their sex fresh and exciting.
Their books about the sexual experiences and fantasies of real people have become standard night-table fare in bedrooms all around the world. Readers use them not only to put erotic sparks into their own relationships, but also develop a better understanding of the sexual behaviors of others.
Their latest expose, Erotic Lifestyles, offers a glimpse into the lives of those who make the unconventional a part of their everyday sexual routine. From voyeurs to exhibitionists, there is guaranteed to be a tale to suit every taste.