repeatedly testing yourself on what you’ve already learned (retrieval practice) over spaced intervals in tim
Arun Yadavhas quoted2 months ago
Learning is only effective if it is strategic and actually reflects and supports the way your brain genuinely acquires new skills and knowledge.
ayuphas quoted2 months ago
they get stuck “reinventing the wheel” and remain perpetual beginners with vastly different skills that don’t relate at all to one another.
ayuphas quoted2 months ago
make better use of what you already know how to do.
ayuphas quoted2 months ago
knowing how to learn is itself a skill. Not all learning is created equal, and learning is only effective if it is strategic and reflects and supports the way your brain naturally acquires new skills and knowledge.
ayuphas quoted3 months ago
We may create for ourselves the illusion that we are learning something, when really, we are just “going through the motions.”