In “Bertha Shelley,” Aubrey Burnage intricately weaves a tapestry of historical fiction centered on the life of Bertha Matthews, the often-overlooked mother of Mary Shelley. Set against the backdrop of early 19th-century England, the narrative unfolds through a lyrical prose style that captures the emotional and intellectual currents of the Romantic era. Burnage deftly explores the tensions between personal ambition and societal expectations, examining themes of motherhood, loss, and the creative process, while illuminating Bertha'Äôs influence on the literary legacy of her daughter. The novel is rich with period detail, immersing readers in a world where the boundaries of art and life are provocatively blurred. Aubrey Burnage, a scholar of Romantic literature, draws on her extensive knowledge of literary history and personal experience with themes of motherhood in literature, which likely inspired her to reclaim Bertha's story. Burnage's background in feminist literary criticism informs her nuanced portrayal of Bertha, recognizing her not merely as a background figure but as a potent character in her own right. The author'Äôs previous works solidify her credibility in resurrecting voices that challenge patriarchal narratives. “Bertha Shelley” is a must-read for anyone interested in the birth of one of literature's most iconic figures, as well as readers who seek a deeper understanding of the female experience within Romanticism. Burnage'Äôs skillful storytelling and profound character development invite you to reconsider the legacies we inherit, making this book a significant addition to the canon of feminist literature.