In “Blue Magic,” Edith Ballinger Price weaves a captivating tale rich in themes of love, betrayal, and the intersection of the supernatural with the mundane. The narrative unfolds through the lens of a young protagonist whose life is dramatically altered by a mysterious artifact that reveals hidden truths and dormant powers. Price's lyrical prose, marked by vivid imagery and emotional depth, invites readers into a world where magic serves as both a metaphor for personal discovery and a means of confronting societal norms, grounded in the backdrop of mid-20th century American culture. Edith Ballinger Price was a prominent figure in American literature, known for her innovative storytelling and her ability to address complex social issues through accessible narratives. Her own experiences navigating a world marked by both enchantment and disillusionment greatly informed her writing. Price'Äôs background in journalism and her keen observational skills enabled her to explore the nuanced dynamics of human relationships, making “Blue Magic” a rich reflection of her artistic vision and her commitment to exploring the fantastical within the everyday. Readers who delight in thought-provoking narratives that blend realism with elements of fantasy will find “Blue Magic” to be an essential addition to their literary collections. This enchanting novel not only entertains but also challenges its audience to reflect on the magic embedded in their own lives, making it a poignant exploration of personal and collective identity.