
Our Legal Heritage : 600-1776 King Aethelbert - King George III

  • Дмитрий Кувшиновhas quoted7 years ago
    The word "earl" replaced the word "eorldormen" and the word "thegn" replaced the word "aetheling" after the Danish settlement.
  • Дмитрий Кувшиновhas quoted7 years ago
    The populace met at burh-gemots. The land area protected by each burh became known as a "shire", which means a share of a larger whole. The shire or local landowners were responsible for repairing the burh fortifications. There were about thirty shires.
  • Дмитрий Кувшиновhas quoted7 years ago
    Danish Vikings made several invasions in the 800s for which a danegeld tax on land was assessed on everyone every ten to twenty years. The amount was determined by the witan and was typically 2s. per hide of land. (A hide was probably the amount of land which could support a family or household for a year or as much land as could be tilled annually by a single plow.)
  • Дмитрий Кувшиновhas quoted7 years ago
    There were two archbishops: one of Canterbury in the south and one of York in the north.
  • Дмитрий Кувшиновhas quoted7 years ago
    Theodore was the first archbishop whom all the English church obeyed.
  • Дмитрий Кувшиновhas quoted7 years ago
    Theodore discouraged slavery by denying Christian burial to the kidnapper and forbidding the sale of children over the age of seven.
  • Дмитрий Кувшиновhas quoted7 years ago
    In the peaceful latter part of the 600s, Theodore, who had been a monk in Rome, was appointed archbishop and visited all the island speaking about the right rule of life and ordaining bishops to oversee the priests. Each kingdom was split up into dioceses each with one bishop. Thereafter, bishops were selected by the king and his witan, usually after consulting the clergy and even the people of the diocese. The bishops came to be the most permanent element of society. They had their sees in villages or rural monasteries. The bishops came to have the same wergeld as an eorldorman: 1200s., which was the price of about 500 oxen.
  • Дмитрий Кувшиновhas quoted7 years ago
    The king had private lands, which he could dispose of by his will. He also had crown lands, which belonged to his office and could not be alienated without consent of the witan. Crown lands often included palaces and their appendant farms, and burhs. It was a queen's duty to run the royal estate. Also, a queen could possess, manage, and dispose of lands in her name.
  • Дмитрий Кувшиновhas quoted7 years ago
    A king had not only a wergeld to be paid to his family if he were killed, but a "cynebot" of equal amount that would be paid to his kingdom's people. A king's household had a chamberlain for the royal bedchamber, a marshall to oversee the horses and military equipment, a steward as head of household, and a cupbearer.
  • Дмитрий Кувшиновhas quoted7 years ago
    king was selected by the witan according to his worthiness, usually from among the royal family, and could be deposed by it. The witan and king decided on laws, taxes, and transfers of land. They made determinations of war and peace and directed the army and the fleet.
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