In The Awakening of Laura, an adult version of Sleeping Beauty, an attractive unhappily married woman Laura, trapped by her conventional life and religious beliefs, is drawn to Stephen, a spiritually conflicted man. In an attempt to convert Stephen back to her faith and hold onto her own, Laura visits Stephen at his place of work, an underground theater called the Adam and Eve Club. Like Sleeping Beauty mesmerized by the needle, Laura follows a bright light into the theater and witnesses on the stage a scene of sexual bondage. Phillipe Williamson, the handsome entrepreneur and owner of the club, watches LauraÕs response in the dark. Rather than being pricked and falling into a deep sleep, the dormant sexual desire of Laura is awakened by the virility of Williamson. Despite her marriage, Laura willingly gives herself over to Williamson as his submissive. When her husband, a minister, returns from a trip and Laura revitalizes their sexual relationship, Laura becomes torn between the three men. After her true love is revealed, Laura reawakens from her dangerous and all-consuming sexual obsession. Bella Lisa and Her Beast, an erotic retelling of Beauty and the Beast, tells the story of Phillipe WilliamsonÕs obsession and eventual seduction of a beautiful, much younger woman, Bella Lisa Mauricio. After Bella LisaÕs Father, an actor and speculator in the stock market, buys an oceanfront condo in the building Williamson owns, he loses all his money on a bad investment. Phillipe agrees to bail out her Father in exchange for a week alone with the woman he loves. Trapped against her will in his castle in the sky, Bella Lisa reluctantly agrees to become WilliamsonÕs submissive, but for one week only. To her surprise, Bella Lisa grows sexually and emotionally attracted to Williamson after several highly charged sexual encounters. But when Bella Lisa breaks the rules of the house by entering the forbidden West Wing, the shocking and complex dark side of Williamson is revealed.