In Binge Free, I present the story of my descent to the depths of hell with binge-eating disorder, my journey back to humanity and the various mental techniques and lifestyle changes that helped me to overcome 25 years of isolation, depression and binging insanity. If there be any reason for me to still live, I hope that it's to reach-out to others who suffer and share with them the tools that helped me to recover, and have kept me binge free for ten years. My message is that you, too, can attain this freedom. Binge eating is a sickness that lives in the mind and uses our own thoughts, feelings and memories to entice and trap us. Therefore, to achieve long-term recovery, it is imperative to have a suitable arsenal of mental strategies to counterattack, expose the lies and say NO to binging. I hold nothing back and give you practical tips and tools that you can put to use right away so that you can learn to vanquish the binge eating monster once and for all.