To start a business, you need three things: a product or service, a group of people willing to pay for it, and a way to get paid. Everything else is completely optional.
Eliezer Diazhas quoted17 hours ago
An ounce of action is worth a ton of theory.
Eliezer Diazhas quoted17 hours ago
You just need a product or service, a group of people who want to buy it, and a way to get paid.
Eliezer Diazhas quoted17 hours ago
Don’t worry about the details; just do what we say and you’ll regularly earn enough miles for free plane tickets every year
Eliezer Diazhas quoted17 hours ago
Like the overeager chef at the beginning of the chapter, I was trying to take them into the kitchen with me, not just giving them the meal they wanted
Eliezer Diazhas quoted17 hours ago
the overeager chef at the beginning of the chapter, I was trying to take them into the kitchen with me, not just giving them the meal they wanted.
Eliezer Diazhas quoted17 hours ago
think more about what people really want than about what you think they need
Eliezer Diazhas quoted17 hours ago
If spreadsheets can be made sexy, surely any business can find a way to communicate a similar message.
Eliezer Diazhas quoted17 hours ago
spreadsheets can be made sexy, surely any business can find a way to communicate a similar message.