The material presented in this book was first offered at a seminar that I taught in August of 2003, in Miami. This was a historical moment in this city where events of this sort had rarely, if at all, ever taken place. It was definitely a first for me. I had taught other classes in New York, Puerto Rico, Chicago, Michigan and even here, in Miami. But Miami is very particular. As the modern Lukumí Mecca, the city’s olorishas, in no way Socratic, know they know and no one can teach them anything that they do not already know! “Who ever heard of an escuelita de santo!” Needless to say, despite the critics, that first seminar was extremely successful, The hotel’s conference room was filled to capacity and the participants left the seminar asking when the next class would take place. This booklet was born from that seminar.
The current edition contains a considerable list of adimús—the food offerings that Lukumí devotees present before their orishas when requesting the orisha’s intercession, protection or assistance. Likewise, these adimús are presented as a token of appreciation for the deities’ generosity, and at celebrations, rituals, and other events. Adimús are also offered simply as a means of devotion, out of love and care for the orishas, and the many ways in which they assist the devotee throughout his or her lifetime. One does not need to have a reason to offer an adimú.