THIS WINTER'S EVE… is a delightful tale of a young boy's life as summer passes and Christmas nears, in a quieter period before television and video games.
Meet the boy’s family and friends and explore his neighborhood as a new school year begins.
Watch as summer eases into autumn, trees shed their leaves and blustery winter arrives.
Excitement ensues as new Christmas catalogs appear in the mail. Shortly, the small town readies for the approaching season. Decorations go up on streetlamps and in the festive shops that line Main Street.
Frigid conditions make for papa’s ingenuity to save the family’s baby chicks, however, mama is skeptical.
Experience the child’s thrill going with papa to chop down a tree, feel his joy at assembling the family’s raggedy old Nativity set, and his joy at gaining a small part in the church Christmas play.
But, amazement and disappointment mark the boy’s evening as Santa’s visit nears.
THIS WINTER’S EVE… recalls a small town Christmas at its finest.