Over two thousand years ago a being was tasked with delivering an important message to a planet, in a distant galaxy. That being was called Jesus.
There was a problem. The period in which Jesus entered that world meant His message would not be understood for over two millennia.
The solution. Find a person who was not influenced by the culture of the time and give this person the message. Encrypt the message so it could be kept safe for the future, when it could be understood. That message is in the Gospel of Thomas.
In the same year WWII ended The Gospel of Thomas was discovered, buried in a clay jar in Upper Egypt.
How would humanities understanding of what they are, and where they came from, be different if they could unlock encrypted wisdom delivered to this planet over two thousand years ago?
This book reveals the meaning of secret sayings spoken by Jesus. Those sayings were meant to be unravelled for the twenty-first century. All of the interconnecting threads are presented here in the 77th Pearl: The Perpetual Tree.