The Official Companion of Karen Wiesner’s Books.
“I do not want to just read books; I want to climb inside them and live there.”
Karen Wiesner is an accomplished author with 92 books published in the past 14 years, which have been nominated for and/or won 125 awards, and has 32 more titles under contract. In this companion, you’ll find comprehensive listings of all her fiction titles including cover art, genre, word count, rating, back cover blurb, publication details, and awards and honors. A short interview is included detailing her inspiration for each title, interesting things tidbits concerning the project, and title and cover design details. You’ll also find At-A-Glance character, series, and location listings, Karen’s top ten favorites’ lists, details on her other titles, upcoming projects, and links. It’s her hope that you’re as fascinated by the fictional world she’s created as, of course, she is. Climb inside Karen’s world and call it home.