A Christianity with little of Christ for generations causes a nation to become like Judah in Malachi of the Bible. This includes the U.S. Many people here have hearts hardened against the true God and His words to us. Malachi shows that God is preparing His faithful people, so that at the right time He will release them mightily as He did Jesus in Judea. This will heal the hardened hearts of many people who have not yet really tasted God's goodness in Jesus. God has made a way in Christ to rescue the U.S. from heading toward certain destruction into becoming Jesus’ national disciple. For the U.S. or other nation that is like Judah, Malachi helps us to see God’s work in His people while the nation keeps corrupting itself. Then God’s sudden release of His prepared people with great power and healing changes everything! (A note: readers not in the U.S. might prefer the book with the same title and a subtitle “Western Europe”).