The warrior knows that he is free to choose his desires, and he makes these decisions with courage, detachment and - sometimes - with just a touch of madness.
Miaww Studiohas quoted4 years ago
A warrior does not need to be reminded of the help given him by others; he is the first to remember and makes sure to share with them any rewards he receives.
Miaww Studiohas quoted4 years ago
His gratitude, however, is not limited to the spiritual world; he never forgets his friends, for their blood mingled with his on the battlefield.
Miaww Studiohas quoted4 years ago
He was helped in his struggle by the angels; celestial forces placed each thing in its place, thus allowing him to give of his best.
Miaww Studiohas quoted4 years ago
A warrior of light knows that he has much to be grateful for.
Miaww Studiohas quoted4 years ago
Everyone is capable of these things. And though no one thinks of themselves as a warrior of light, we all are.
Miaww Studiohas quoted4 years ago
He is someone capable of understanding the miracle of life, of fighting to the last for something he believes in - and of hearing the bells that the waves sets ringing on the seabed.'
Miaww Studiohas quoted5 years ago
'Write: a warrior of light values a child's eyes because they are able to look
at the world without bitterness.
MWhas quoted7 years ago
'The consequences of our actions are the scarecrows of fools and the beacons of wise men