Highly Effective Hacks From Totally True Facts!
Could you be happier at work . . . in love . . . in life? You may not need a total overhaul—just a few good Happiness Hacks! Here are hundreds of shortcuts to brighten your day and boost your mood—and the science behind how they work. Discover why . . .57°F (13.9°C) is the happiest temperatureSelfies give you a jolt of joyRenters have a surprising edge over homeowners17-minute breaks are the most productiveIntimacy is better than sexIt’s more satisfying to work a full 40-hour weekDate night is the key to a happy marriageJust 10 minutes of exercise can cheer you up! Whether you’re seeking better health, stronger friendships, or that elusive “happy place,” these stunningly simple tips are proven to help. You can hack your way to happiness!