Henry Robinson

Inventors & Inventions

  • creamcarolhas quoted5 years ago
    gifted. It requires the proverbial wisdom of an owl, the cunning of a fox, and the courage and strength of a lion.
  • creamcarolhas quoted5 years ago
    itself. Remember an inventor is only judged by what he has made good, not by what he has attempted
  • creamcarolhas quoted5 years ago
    the accumulated knowledge and experience of others. Don't imagine yourself a Solomon. Don't bite off more than you can swallow. (Read Æsop's fable about the "Eagle and the Jackdaw.") Don't set yourself a Quixotic task, and, on the other hand, don't think it is impossible for you to succeed where others have failed
  • creamcarolhas quoted5 years ago
    get inflated with your superiority, neglecting to avail yourself of
  • creamcarolhas quoted5 years ago
    Observe everything carefully. Try to remember everything you see. Acquire the habit of concentration. Reason logically. Do not overlook details. Be a hard worker. Keep your mouth shut. Don't count your chickens before they are hatched. Don't
  • creamcarolhas quoted5 years ago
    will carefully note his own special capacity, aptitude, taste, education, training, experience, and opportunity in certain directions
  • creamcarolhas quoted5 years ago
    it is first necessary to determine the executive method of operation, and often to invent a more suitable and adaptable one before inventing the means for accomplishing the same, as the executive part of his contemplated machine is his problem, and the ease or difficulty of its solution depends upon its simplicity
  • creamcarolhas quoted5 years ago
    manipulation. For that reason the inventor of a labor-saving machine may often have to first invent a new process for bringing about certain results on the substances on which his machine is to operate, that may be radically different from the method employed
  • creamcarolhas quoted5 years ago
    How to invent? Invention is a problem and a solution
  • creamcarolhas quoted5 years ago
    mastery of that knowledge which is potent to successful invention in the mechanical line, and to get his just or fair share of its value.
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