I will be alone, the Thunderhead told itself. I will be alone, but it is right that I should be. It is necessary.
Naidahas quoted5 months ago
Better to be numb than plagued by longing for something that could never be.
Aigerim Dzhumanazarovahas quoted4 years ago
Scythe Faraday had once told him and Citra that they were called scythes rather than reapers, because they were not the ones who killed; they were merely the tool that society used to bring fair-handed death to the world.
Aigerim Dzhumanazarovahas quoted4 years ago
Scythe Faraday had once told him and Citra that they were called scythes rather than reapers
Aigerim Dzhumanazarovahas quoted4 years ago
“Yes, Robert,” she agreed. “But we’re the ones who made the times troubled.”
Dariahas quoted4 years ago
She’s an itch best left unscratched
Dariahas quoted4 years ago
Ash wood for an even burn, Osage orange for heat, rowan wood for—well—obvious reasons, and a few pockets of knotty pine for a nice crackle!”
Dariahas quoted4 years ago
What once felt justified, now felt foolhardy. What once seemed brave, now just seemed sad.