Whenever a recruiter searches a resume database or reads a resume, she is doing it with a specific job and the language and priorities of that job description in mind.
Salma S. Larahas quoted6 years ago
The only reason your job exists is because your employer needed someone to identify, prevent, and solve the problems that regularly occur in this area of professional expertise; it exists because not having someone like you is costing the company money.
Salma S. Larahas quoted6 years ago
your position exists to help an employer maintain and increase profitability by
Salma S. Larahas quoted6 years ago
So it is implicit in any employment contract that your job contributes to profitability in some way
Salma S. Larahas quoted6 years ago
you’ll leave it with critical job search and interview strategies, and even some amazing insights into winning raises and promotions.
Salma S. Larahas quoted6 years ago
resumes is part of a larger strategy for achieving long-term career and personal success, everything I teach you about developing a kick-ass resume will apply to the broader challenges of the job search, interviewing, and career management.
Salma S. Larahas quoted6 years ago
Your resume is the most financially important document you will ever own: when your resume works, you work; when it doesn’t, you don’t.
Salma S. Larahas quoted6 years ago
killer resume is the foundation of every successful job search;
Salma S. Larahas quoted6 years ago
Your resume is the most financially important document you will ever own. When it works, you work, and when it doesn’t work, you don’t.
Laura Shas quoted8 years ago
You can do plenty to liven up the visual impact of the page and create emphasis with bold, italic, bold italic, underlining, sizing of words, and highlighting, used judiciously.