Every year millions of people see their lives and favorite activities limited by back pain. They forego activities they once loved because of it and in some cases may not even be able to perform their job as well as they once could due to back pain.
Everything you need to know about back pain is included in this book: How to understand back pain; How back pain starts; The diagnosis behind back pain; The outline of the spine defining back pain; Brief history of osteoarthritis and back pain; Associating back pain and multiple sclerosis; Muscles and nerves in back pain; Ligaments and tendons causing back pain; Joints and connective tissues causing back pain; Acute edema and back pain; Methods for treating common back pain; Rheumatoid arthritis and back pain; Sports injuries prevention and back pain; Stretching to avoid back pain; Relieving stress fractures to avoid back pain; Gynecological conditions and back pain; Taking action to reduce back pain; Weight loss and back pain and much more.