In this book, Robert Bryson, a mechanical engineer specializing in automated manufacture and robotics, who certainly thinks outside the box, discusses aging, breast cancer, and AIDS. He explains how the solution to many of our health problems may be easier to find than most of us have thought. Bryson reveals how a new type of medicine, which uses engineered viruses, could eliminate diseases that are presently deemed incurable. He maintains that the application of mechanical engineering expertise, rather than biological, makes it possible to manipulate viruses well ahead of existing technology. Using viruses as medicine, the control of some diseases, which researchers have been looking for years to conquer, is within reach. What do you think? Fiction? Science fiction, or fact? Is it possible that science has been looking for solutions to mager human health problems in all the wrong places? Are pharmaceudicals faced with a conflict of interest? Are there reasons why they may not be interested in investigating a different approach? Is it about real solutions or about profit. After you read Robert Bryson’s concept, consider sharing your view below. How much longer shall we lose people to premature deaths, breast cancer, and AIDS. Do yourself a favor and check this unique idea out.