Dreams are today’s answers to tomorrow’s questions. —Edgar Cayce
zuzuhasanli97has quoted8 years ago
Hell is other people.
Natalie Halehas quoted11 years ago
Compete with yourself, not with others.
Varvara Sukhinahas quoted6 years ago
My dad takes me to Wal-Mart, where I ask a sales associate if they have “the Ren and Stimpy dolls that flatulate.” This is evidence that I possess both a large vocabulary and a slightly twisted sense of humor.
Unknown Unknownhas quoted7 years ago
It took years of living with dirty fingernails from digging through vintage, a few painful burns from steaming clothes, and many an aged Kleenex hiding in a coat pocket to get here.
b3051898188has quoted7 years ago
I have a lot of time to kill, so I dick around on the Internet and open up an eBay shop called Nasty Gal Vintage.
Nataly Laktionovahas quoted7 years ago
Once it’s in there, forget about it. You never saw it anyway. It’s an emergency fund only (and vacations are not emergencies).
Araily Omarovahas quoted7 years ago
When you accept yourself, it’s surprising how much other people will accept you, too.
Марияhas quoted7 years ago
Life is short. Don’t be lazy.
Leyla Hasanovahas quoted8 years ago
I never dreamed about success. I worked for it. —Estée Lauder