Jean Ritchie

Kiss of Death

  • b0266940832has quoted2 years ago
    poison in the favourite meal
  • Steishas quoted5 months ago
    She suffered anxiety attacks and migraines, and she faces the prospect of having to tell her son, when he is older, about his father.
  • buzixhoi49has quoted7 months ago
    (the documentation needed to work in the States)
  • Александра Илиеваhas quotedlast year
    At first, he said, he was shocked to find she had lost her sparkle, but when she told him that her first husband beat her up and stalked her, and her second husband had died (this time she said from an overdose of steroids), he felt sorry for her. This, compounded by the fact that she said she was being treated for terminal cancer of the kidney, and had just weeks to live
  • Александра Илиеваhas quotedlast year
    Dena wasted no time going to see his boss at the newspaper office to claim his £36,000 death-in-service benefit, turning up the same day. She was described as ‘cold and unemotional’
  • Cryhas quotedlast year
    there that she met a dark, handsome charmer, Paul Wilkinson, an Aboriginal Community Liaison Officer with the New South Wales police. He and Kylie had met before, socially, but it was when he was admitted as a patient that they first talked and got to know each other. Kylie was smitten
  • merykim500has quotedlast year
    there was no evidence that Julian had taken an accidental
  • merykim500has quotedlast year
    death-in-service benefit
  • merykim500has quotedlast year
    was the mug who went along with her lies
  • merykim500has quotedlast year
    She lives a life of lies and fantasy and I
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