Dr. Álvaro Pereira, a renowned doctor recognized in Lisbon s high society in the 19th century, finds himself at a crossroads when he is called to treat a series of mysterious illnesses in a local elite family. Apparently, it is a hereditary problem, but Álvaro quickly realizes that the physical symptoms hide traumas and family secrets that threaten to come to light and compromise the reputation of Serpa s house. As cases of illness and death follow one another, Álvaro finds himself drawn into a plot of conspiracy, betrayal and intrigue, where each life lost reveals a new chapter of decadence and ambition. The doctor s closeness to his family leads him to uncover the true causes of their ills — not physical, but psychological and social. With the family s health at stake and his own professional and personal ethics in crisis, Álvaro must decide how far he must go to save his honor and preserve the integrity of the medicine he defends.