In a taboo town, Cara is the ultimate prize. Anything goes if you have the money, no matter how kinky or immoral the act! Now, with her beloved town in desperate need, Cara’s going to be pushed beyond her limits. There’s a strip show, nude dancing, fondling by strangers, and even more to the highest bidder! Will Cara’s family adequately prepare her for the depraved attentions of wealthy men?
After a few mother, son fucks, there are then a few father, daughter fucks, with the apparent idea that a trained daughter or sun might eventually be necessary for business survival, in Pleasant Meadows.
Cara has danced and stripped to nude for an audience before. However, for the first time Cara doesn't really have a choice. She has to dance nude and she has to fuck customers, (worse yet, Pleasant Meadow customers,) or the city goes bankrupt.
I wonder just how well Cara will do under the circumstances and I have my doubts, which I keep to myself.
However, Cara dances spectacularly at the charity show. She has the experience, the equipment and the moves. She looks better than the other dancers and she dances better than the other dancers. Cara, several times, takes a party that had been dragging up to a much higher level. She does a strip that would have put a professional stripper to shame. She dances on stage and then comes out into the audience to get groped, licked and then she sells herself for charity. When the party starts to drag late in the event, Cara again revives it by fucking two guys at once, on stage and in front of everyone! Cara makes more money for charity than any other two ladies combined. By the end of the party, Cara has gone from leading lady to Pleasant Meadow legend!
I don't like having to sell Cara in order for the city and the area to survive financially, especially since the financial problems that Cara (and the other ladies) had to solve were not caused by Cara or by me.
Cara never complains, but she has to give way too much of herself at the charity show.
If Cara likes to show herself off, that's fine because she has a lot to show. In the recent past, Cara has had to not only show herself, but also swap partners with the neighbors, just to keep the peace out at The Lake. All that Cara did without complaint and even helped to organize things. Now Cara has had to sell herself for what amounts to something well over four million dollars. Again, Cara did it without complaint. However, the people who tried to squeeze me financially are now gonna get squeezed themselves!
I talk a bit with Cara in the aftermath of the charity show. I point out how badly I feel about Cara having to sell herself to keep all of us afloat financially. I tell my wife, “You bought us the time that I had to have to get in the big receivables and get us back solvent again. I got the big receivables and the businesses that we own are now churning out a nice profit, even the new businesses that I was forced by the city to take over. We're now a lot richer. Now, I'm gonna squeeze the people that tried to squeeze us. It's payback time.”
Cara tells me, “Well, I wasn't the only lady prancing around in the nude. And, even the sex wasn't really anything I haven't done before, at The Lake swaps. Well, there was one new thing. You know Ron, the black guy?”